I’ve always dreamed of a different world, and I always knew that world was possible.
As a child I would get baffled by concepts like working to live, fighting wars to achieve peace, being dependent on money, and on and on it went.
“That’s just the way things are,” I was told repeatedly.
And when I asked why we couldn’t change the world, I often got the response that it was impossible. We couldn’t meet people’s basic needs, because then they would lose all incentive to work and society would collapse. We couldn’t lay down our weapons and be an example of peace, because then our enemies would destroy us. We couldn’t abandon money, because then greed would take over and people would hoard more resources than they needed.
It seemed very cut and dry to the people around me, and I remember making people quite irritated when I insisted that there must be more to Humanity than that.
There must be more depth, compassion, and wisdom in us than the picture that was being painted for me.
And so I clung to my vision of what Humanity could be for the rest of my childhood, never really knowing how we would get there, but never being able to give it up in my heart.
Enter: Human Design.
I first heard about Human Design in the Spring of 2020.
Human Design is a complex system that helps us understand the energetics of the human body.
In the current model of Human Design, we each have 9 energy centers, very similar to the chakra system that most of us are familiar with. Each energy center has its own essence and role, with gates and channels that connect it to other centers in the body.
For our discussion, the only center that matters is the Emotional Solar Plexus, or ESP.
As its name implies, the ESP is the center responsible for our emotional wave. Every time we feel a big feeling, from the heights of ecstasy to the depths of despair, we have our ESP to thank.
In Humanity’s current iteration, the ESP functions as a motor center. Very simply put, this means that our emotional states drive us into action.
The outcome of this relationship between emotional charge and action is very easy to see. In fact, you need not even look outside yourself to find a wealth of wisdom around the motor functioning of the ESP:
How often do you react to a surge of anger, hide yourself in response to fear, or start a project out of guilt? Even more intriguing: How often do you do something because you expect it to make you feel good? The ESP gets us to move by avoiding feelings we don’t want, and chasing the feelings we think we do.
According to Ra Uru Hu, founder of Human Design, Humanity's energetic structure is currently experiencing a mutation that will culminate in 2027. This mutation is taking place in the Emotional Solar Plexus, changing it from a motor to our third awareness center (alongside the Spleen and Ajna).
It is my personal opinion that the motor ESP is actually an underdeveloped or immature phase of Human development — it was always meant to blossom into an awareness center in our species’ maturity!
Remember what i said about gates and channels? There are two specific gates in the ESP that are responsible for its mutation: the 49th (keywords of Reaction, Revolution, and Rebirth) and the 55th (keywords of Victimization and Freedom).
Both of these gates start channels that connect the ESP to the Root Center. It is through the transmutation of these two gates that the dream in my heart begins to take form.
Instead of causing us to react to emotional charge, as an awareness center, the ESP reconnects us to the felt experience of Unity Consciousness.
And, as an energetic mutation sweeping across the globe, this will affect all of Humanity in a relatively short time (I’m guessing a couple of generations).
What will the world look like when we remember our place within the greater drama of Life? When we each have a deep, undeniable inner knowing that we are One with Everything? When we feel in our bones the truth that harming our neighbor is harming our self?
I believe that this mutation of the Emotional Solar Plexus is the missing puzzle piece. This is the thing that nobody saw coming, that gives Humanity a real opportunity to change its ways forever.
I went much more in depth about how the ESP functions now, the history/contribution of our other awareness centers, and what life on earth might be like after the ESP mutation in my latest episode of Daydreaming the New World.
Listen above — and please feel welcome to comment what resonates about this shift, what might not, or any questions/ideas that this sparked in you!